Hawkins Mine Trail - July 2014

Hawkins Mountain Trail is a small spur which leads off of the Fortune Creek trail near Gallagher Head Lake. Its highlighted purple on the map.

Trail Details

This is a shorter but more difficult spur trail which leads up to Hawkins Mountain from Galagher Head Lake. There are a couple of tough hill climbs and many stream crossings.

Near the end of the trail is a small but steep hill and rutted climb which will be challenging for stock vehicles without lift or tires.

The trail ends in a glacial meadow just at the base of Hawkins Mountain. For the adventuresome, you can walk off to the left and eventually will meet up with the mine to market trail, but the area past the meadow is clearly marked prohibited to vehicles. On foot, expect to be wearing good waterproof shoes... even though the many streams are well defined, the entire meadow was quite damp and squishy when we were there.


There are a couple of good flat campsites along the way, and a very nice flat spot with a good fire ring at the end. Just like Gallagher head lake, all are primitive, so all the same conditions apply: bring deoderant, poop bucket, windbreaker and your warm sleeping bag too. The Hawkins mountain trail is quite a bit more exposed and there will be a bit of snow until very late in the season. Almost every campsite along this trail will have some water nearby so watch for bugs and also for animals coming around to drink.

Again, we saw quite a bit of critters. Deer, chipmunks, and bees. There were many "half" tunnels exposed where critters had been moving around under the snow.


Better boots. Its fun to walk around in this area and there are good views and photo ops to be had for very little effort, except wet feet. A spare pair of shoes will let you walk around quite a bit and then you can switch to a clean dry pair on your way out.